INFANTS: 6 Weeks to 1 Years



Young infants possess and enjoy the ability to communicate with their families and significant caregivers in order to have their basic needs met, whether it is feeding them, changing them, cuddling with them, or playing with them.  They are drawn to environments and people who communicate with them by providing an overall sense of emotional warmth and safety. That is what we try to provide at Growing Years for families who need a “home away from home” for their baby!

We also understand that infants learn best through trial and error, repetition, identification, and imitation.  To encourage this type of learning we provide an environment that is safe, stimulating, and emotionally supportive so that infants can begin investigating and exploring their world.


Developmental Milestones & Assessments

Primary caregivers, with the help of the lead teacher, provide parents with a developmental milestone report approximately every 3 months to let parents know what we are experiencing with their child at Growing Years.  These reports become the vehicle we use to share our understanding of early infant development as outlined by child development professionals.